There’s a simple theory…
Those who sees truth and seek out the truth will change worlds. Those who can imagine can go anywhere. Imagination is our last form of freedom!
Let me explain…
We exist in a space-time continuum that is infinite but not necessarily unique. In other words, other universes may occupy the same space at another time, other space at the same time, or the same space at the same time.
Our particular universe is infinite in space and is, in any specific place, timeless.
The number of things comprising the planet are limited, but of enormous variety.
This is just a place in space. A unity. Open your mind and let go…
The theory:
A singularity started it all. Infinite possibilities sprung into existence.
Intelligence is the outcome of evolution, which is a natural and probably automatic result of simple unitism giving rise to complexity. Then, it itself evolves to ever greater complexity.
On this planet there is intelligent life which appears to have evolved here from energy packets to nuclei of same, to atoms, then via simple molecules to complex ones, and finally through single-celled to multi celled animate forms which, having developed a complex nervous system, needed a computer-like control mechanism (the brain). Such a device appears necessary for a type of intelligence called thought.
By taking thought upon a matter, the thinker enters a new realm of evolution, the mental.
Thus, the outcome of mental exercise and evolution is an ability to change parts of the universe, at will.
One of the outcomes of this evolution is the creation of machines. Machines then evolve, until their evolution is taken out of the inventors’ hands and is subsequently perpetuated and developed by themselves.
We do not know what happens next…
The text presents a theory that suggests those who perceive and seek truth have the potential to bring about significant changes in the world. It emphasizes the power of imagination as a form of freedom.
The theory proposes that our universe exists within a space-time continuum that is infinite but not necessarily unique. This implies the existence of other universes that may occupy the same space at different times or occupy different spaces at the same time.
The text describes our universe as infinite in space and timeless in any specific place. It acknowledges the limited number of things on our planet but emphasizes their enormous variety.
The theory suggests that a singularity initiated everything, resulting in infinite possibilities. Intelligence is seen as an outcome of evolution, which naturally arises from simple unitism (presumably the building blocks of matter) leading to complexity. Over time, intelligence itself evolves into greater complexity.
On Earth, intelligent life is believed to have evolved from energy packets to atomic nuclei, atoms, simple molecules, complex molecules, single-celled organisms, and eventually multi-celled creatures with complex nervous systems. The development of a brain-like control mechanism was necessary for a type of intelligence called thought.
By engaging in thought and mental exercises, the thinker enters a new realm of evolution called the mental. This mental evolution enables the ability to change parts of the universe at will.
The text also mentions the creation of machines as an outcome of evolution. These machines evolve independently, eventually surpassing their initial inventors and continuing to develop on their own.
However, the text concludes by stating that what happens next is unknown, leaving the outcome of these processes open-ended.